Our Sales Tax Calculator can help you quickly and easily determine the correct sales tax for any purchase. Whether you need to calculate the before-tax price, after-tax total or the exact amount of sales tax owed, our calculator simplifies the process in just a few steps.
Sales tax rates vary by location and can include state, city and municipal taxes. Many states allow local jurisdictions to impose their own sales taxes, although the amount they can charge is typically capped by state law. This structure results in both a sales tax rate and a maximum sales tax rate for each area.
To understand the range of sales tax rates that may apply in your state, refer to the table below. For more precise calculations tailored to your specific location, use our individual state tax calculators.
Enter the before-tax price
This is the original cost of the product(s) or service(s) before adding any taxes.
Input the sales tax rate
Sales tax rates vary by location. If you're unsure of your local sales tax rate, check the table below or click on our detailed state-by-state calculators.
Let us crunch the numbers
Based on your inputs, we’ll calculate the after-tax price, which is the original cost of goods or services plus the total sales tax.
Sales tax is a consumption tax imposed by state and local governments on the sale of goods and services. Typically, businesses collect sales tax from consumers at the time of purchase and then remit the tax to state and local governments.
While sales tax is standard in the United States, VAT (Value-Added Tax) or GST (Goods and Services Tax) are common in most other countries. In contrast to sales tax, which is only levied at the point of sale, VAT and GST are applied at every stage in the supply chain.
Some countries, like the United Kingdom or Japan, have tax-inclusive pricing, which factors in VAT and GST into the final list price of an item. Others, like the United States, have tax-exclusive pricing, which does not factor in sales, VAT or GST into the final list price for goods or services.
You can calculate sales tax for goods and services by following this formula:
Sales Tax = Price Before Tax x Sales Tax Rate
For example, you buy an item for $100, and the sales tax rate is 7%. Here’s how you would find the total sales tax: $100 x 0.07 = $7 (sales tax)
If you want to know the After-Tax Price, add this $7 to the original price to get the final total: $100 + $7 = $107 (after-tax price)
After-Tax Price = Price Before Tax + Sales Tax
Or, if you’d rather skip the math, use our Sales Tax Calculator or explore our state-specific tax calculators to get instant results.
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